Voices from the About Progress community. We’ve spent longer than I originally planned on discussing the most recent theme, “Be Healthy”, with an emphasis on being, not getting, to our healthiest selves. The guests that shared their expertise this month…
“Dear Progressor,” May + June 2020 Edition
Voices from the About Progress community. We’ve spent longer than I originally planned on discussing the most recent theme, “Be Healthy”, with an emphasis on being, not getting, to our healthiest selves. The guests that shared their expertise this month…
How Confirmation Bias Can Shift Your Health Habits
Learn how to say “That’s like me!” In this episode I’m combining self development with science, and it really does work. For example, as part of my seemingly never-ending quest to develop healthy sleep habits I frequently say, “I prioritize…
The Power of Eating Without Fear || with Taylor Chan
You have so much to gain, when you learn to let go of food guilt. We’re all born as intuitive eaters, if you think about it. Tiny babies know when they’re hungry, and even cry a certain way to let…
Christopher Clark || a Tribute
Chris taught us that while we can’t choose our trials, we can still choose who we are. Christopher Clark didn’t ask for a diagnosis of ALS at the peak of his life, family, and career. Over the five years he…
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do About Racism || Bonus Episode
3 steps to take right now and the women you need to listen to. Maybe you are like me and you thought systemic racism was mostly over after the Civil Rights Movement. Or maybe you still knew racism existed, but it…
How to Put Joy Back into Exercise || with Christy Joy
You can actually use movement, to manage your mindset, even if it’s just for one minute. If the word exercise makes you squirm, it’s time to let go of what it does, or doesn’t, mean for you. And probably also,…
It’s Not Just About Self-Control || Growth Spurt
Why you struggle and real ways you can boost your willpower to create the habits you want. Do you find yourself giving up on your habits practically on the day you decide to start them? Do you blame your willpower,…
Why You Don’t Need to be Afraid of Intuitive Eating || with Beth Summers
How to work through the biggest thing standing in your way and bring power back into your life. As I’ve spent the last decade and a half recovering from my own eating disorder, I have had the most success with…
Bonus Episode: We are MOVING!
My husband and I chat about why we’re leaving California without knowing what’s next. You may have guessed from my months of semi-eluding, and probably saw this post, but we are officially moving! We sold our home, by owner, during…