Is the thought of creating a picture-perfect morning routine nagging you? Or really any routine that you feel like you should be implementing… In this coaching call, you’ll hear Rhonda who is a busy mom of 4 explain her current…
Progress Principle – ‘The Discomfort Zone’ || Growth Spurt
The ONE principle that can increase your growth exponentially. We are all familiar with our ‘comfort zones,’ right? What if by staying comfortable, we’re really staying stuck? The familiar things that we know feel safe, even if they keep us…
Tackle the 5 Biggest Challenges You Face in the Kitchen || with Kendra Adachi
The Lazy Genius method, coined by Kendra Adachi, says that we should be geniuses about the things that matter, and lazy about the things that don’t. And who’s to say what matters? You are, don’t forget it. Kendra took this…
What Needs to Happen BEFORE You Start a New Habit, Routine, or System || Growth Spurt
How to ask yourself what really matters and create a plan for change that lasts! I hope I’m not the only one feeling that post Labor Day desire to overhaul my whole life. So, if you’re like me I’m going…
Tools to Beat the Comparison Monster
The Comparison Monster hijacks relationships, taints how we view our blessings, and prevents us from showing up for ourselves and others. If this is happening to you, you are not alone. I fall into the comparison trap often, and in…
My Pregnancy, A Hiking Club, Our Family Morning Routine, Best New Gadget, Podcast Update || Messy Middle September 2022
Since taking a little break over the summer I’ve missed being able to show the behind-the-scenes of my real life messy progress. This episode shares my recent highs and lows, how my habits are going, a Do Something List update,…
“How can I show up to my responsibilities when I’m exhausted?” || Coaching Call with Ashley
Ashley is in a busy season that many of you may relate to. She has 2 young children, and is pregnant with her third, having just moved to a new city and about to pursue a graduate degree. Her circumstances,…
How Do You Become a Poet || with Nishi Patel
Nishi Patel is a Progressor, just like you, who I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know through this community and my membership group. Nishi has shared her poetry over the years, but most recently has published a beautiful book…
3 Tips to Better Navigate Relationships with Your Aging Parents || with Jody Moore
Learn why there may be a disconnect, what to do about it, and who is the one that can change. Relationships are complicated. Biggest, “duh” statement ever right? We all know that, but it never ceases to surprise me, my…
So, You HAVE To Wake Up Earlier This Fall . . .
Sharing 4 tips I have to prepare for what can feel like the “New Year” as we get ready for the fall. I know it’s not technically the new year, but sometimes the fall can feel that way. With school…