I have talked about how motherhood didn’t come naturally for me. This isn’t news for you. But I haven’t shared this with then lens of how my struggles with eating disorders and perfectionism also tied into this rough transition as a mother.
I was honored to be a guest of Jessica Dahlquist’s podcast, Extraordinary Moms Podcast. She shared our interview together where I discuss at greater length why I was a perfectionist, what led to my eating disorders, my lowest lows, and how my recovery has taken ten (and going!) years as I also push back on my tendency to want to appear to be perfect. We also talk about how difficult motherhood has been for me–much to my surprise–but what great lessons I’ve learned along the way.
If you love the podcast, please share it! I’m really proud of Jessica and the incredible work she is doing. I highly recommend you listen to more of her episodes and give her a follow as well.
Amy O says
Just discovered you from the Extraordinary Moms podcast. You were talking about studying in London and it brought back a memory for me: I was at the BYU London
Centre in Summer 1998. I remember there was a girl there that everyone started noticing her extreme exercise and (non) eating patterns. I'm pretty sure this was not you, I remember her looking very different. Some of her closest friends there staged an "intervention" with her one day to confront her about her dangerous habits and comments. She laughed it off and said she didn't have a problem.
Once you mentioned your experience, I realized that that must have been a very stressful experience for someone who was struggling with food. There was NO personal control over eating: you ate the 3 meals served, no matter how healthy/unhealthy they were. If you chose not to eat because you didn't feel good about putting those foods into your body, you went hungry. What a trial that must have been! You mentioned that you really missed out on experiences there because of where your mind was–I am so sad that you, and possibly this other girl in my session, had to go through this during an amazing trip.