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Start Here: Cast a Vision || Growth Spurt

growth spurt podcast Jun 24, 2021

3 ways to start with casting a vision so you can then go on to create the habit, life, goal you want.



The great sculptor Michelangelo shared that he could see a block of marble and envision the angel inside it before he even started carving his masterpiece.


Do you want to create a better _______? (Fill in the blank: habit, life, routine, goal!)


Then take a leaf out of the artists' book and start with a VISION.


This is something I teach in my Progress Program, and today I'll give you a nutshell version of how to cast a vision before you create for yourself, specifically with a habit, a life (it's broad for a reason:), and with a goal.


That last one is totally supported with a little outtake from my recent episode with Rhonda Farr. She walks me through a short exercise where she helps me cast a vision for a future goal and how I want to FEEL within that goal. 


Totally different? Yes. Totally cool and effective? Yes.


Listen in to this growth spurt then go DO SOMETHING and cast a vision for an area in your life that you want to improve, too.




About a few other things...


I have a goal to get to 1000 reviews, and I need your help! If you would leave a rating and simple review on Apple Podcast it would really help the show grow, and reach even more women who need this community. I appreciate each one, as well as your shares, it helps me keep the show going and know better how to serve you!


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Songs Credit: DRIVE by Dj Nicolai Heidlas @nicolai-heidlas Music provided by FREE MUSIC FOR VLOGS AND VIDEOS