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So, You HAVE To Wake Up Earlier This Fall . . .

growth spurt habits podcast Aug 17, 2022

Sharing 4 tips I have to prepare for what can feel like the "New Year" as we get ready for the fall.



I know it's not technically the new year, but sometimes the fall can feel that way. With school starting up again, the end of the year coming in to sight, the change in weather, or whatever it might be for you, the fall signifies change to many of us. Often times that change means we HAVE to wake up earlier.


In today's episode I have 4 tips to help you start feeling successful under your new circumstances. I'm covering when to start, why you should consider the night before, how to use my sticky habit method, and where to focus your energy.


A not-so-spoiler alert is that I do not encourage you to make any drastic changes, so there are no instructions here on how to go to bed 3 hours earlier, or clean your whole house before your family wakes up. These tips are actually simple, and meant to serve you in your circumstances. Let me know what works and good luck with the "new year!"


About a few other things...


Reclaim your creative power and rediscover who you actually are! If you’re ready to come back home to yourself, to be able to say that you know who you are and what matters to you, take my foundation course, “Finding Me.” It’s OK that you’ve lost parts of yourself along the way; but as you learn to anchor back into who you are and align your life to what matters to you, you’ll find that you have more strength, more fulfilment, and more creativity to bring to your important roles and responsibilities.


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My NEW Habit Course
Foundational course, “Finding Me.”
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club