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Progress Principle: CURIOSITY || Growth Spurt

growth spurt podcast Feb 08, 2023


Today I want to talk about curiosity, but I first have to address our desire for certainty. We tend to want straightforward, black-and-white, prescriptions for the 'right' way to be. But what happens when things inevitably don't work out the most perfect way? We blame ourselves for that failure. So, instead of certainty I want to encourage you to lean into curiosity.


From pie crusts to parenting, you can get curious about failures. If you find yourself spiraling towards the shame and blame cycle, the tips in this episode are for you. Along with previously shared progress principles like courage and discomfort, this way of reframing failures will be a helpful tool in your progress journey.


About a few other things...


Do you struggle to create habits that stick? It's not your fault. The truth is simple: you've been trying to form habits using methods designed for perfect robots--not real women living real lives. It's time to change that. If I could help you gain confidence in creating habits AND guide you to uncover the ONE supportive habit to deeply care for yourself, could you commit 21 days to learning this method? The Sticky Habit Method is a 21-day course that revolutionizes the habit-formation process. It's real habits for real women.


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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club