Navigating mental illness and finding the balance of a truly happy life. Sometimes we have to fall, even fail, and in the process of figuring out how and who can help us get back up we find real balance. We…
Stop Letting Social Media Hijack Your Life || with Brooke White (Encore!)
You can find connection, without being controlled by social media. You know by now that this month the focus is on taking a break. For me, that’s pulling back on Instagram, and a few other things, to refocus my energy…
Pause to Pivot || with Heather Fujikawa (Encore!)
My first ever interview is being re-aired. As I mentioned earlier this week, August is about taking a break. I will be re-airing some of my favorite (and on topic) episodes that I know you’ll love. If you’ve heard them…
Take a Break! || August’s Theme
I’m taking my first ever real break and you are allowed to, too. I know, I know, it seems a little counterintuitive after our month about dreaming big. But it’s true, resting when and where you need to can actually…
“Dear Progressor,” July Edition
Voices from the About Progress community. I need to start with a THANK YOU for dreaming big with me this month. It was one of my very favorite themes and I hope you were able to learn and grow as…