Happy 4th of July! Growing up, the 4th rivaled Christmas as my favorite holiday. I came from a fairly small town in Northern Utah that did the 4th right. I’m talking PATRIOTISM in its finest. Think of neighborhood BBQs…
Things I Want to Remember, Round 5
Bella:* I’ve really enjoyed our summer with this girl by our side. She is doing a good job of trying to include her little brother, RG, in her make-believe. For someone who loves, loves to play on her own, this…
Fruit Pizza, That Doesn’t Make You Miss Chocolate
My name is Monica, and I’m a chocoholic. This attribute runs in my veins. Every member of my immediate family would choose a chocolate dessert over any other dessert or treat. You can keep your skittles, sour candies, and the…
Dear Beach Body
Dear Beach Body, Since I was a tween, I’ve been through all the five stages of grief over you: denial, anger (so much anger), bargaining, depression (that one went too far), and finally–at long last–acceptance. Now, that acceptance is still…
“Mom’s Day”
I had only one request for my 30th birthday this year: a “Mom’s Day.” Basically, this entailed me taking an entire day off from my job as a stay-at-home mom. My husband is incredibly supportive, but he works fairly long…