If you find yourself using your comfort zone as an excuse, you are not alone. My comfort zone used to be my excuse to not push myself where it matters most. In this bite-sized episode I tell you what your…
Improving your Time Management by Letting Things Go || with Jen Riday
Has your own life become out of your control? You CAN get it back and it can start with one small word, “No.” Here is the permission to let go, prioritize, and put yourself first in order to better manage…
Underachieving Perfectionist || Growth Spurt
I have been where you are – afraid to fail and hating myself into growth. There’s a name for it, underachieving perfectionism, and a way to change for the better. If you feel STUCK and crippled by the thought of…
How to Get–and STAY–Motivated || with Dr. Adam Moore
Are you having trouble changing your habits and reaching your goals because you’re lazy? No! You just haven’t found your motivational style. Explaining his carrot-dangling-free approach, therapist Adam Moore presents three motivational styles to help you better understand yourself AND…
Live Adult Sleep Training Session!
You’ve heard the science and read all the tips, but what does sleep training look like in real life? This bonus episode provides a glimpse into just that. Tune in while Christine Lawler actually analyzes host Monica’s sleep habits and…