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One Easy Way to Get Things Done You Don't Feel Like Doing- Pair it! || Growth Spurt

emotions growth spurt podcast Oct 19, 2022


I really hope I'm not alone in feeling this way sometimes...and the feeling I'm talking about is when you have something you realllly don't want to do, but you realllly need to do it. This could range from something small, like sorting papers for scrapbooking, to something big like a long term project or habit you want to adopt. So, I have ONE easy way to get things done when you don't feel like doing them to share with you today.


In this short episode you will hear my simple tip and the ways that I apply it in my real life, and how that has helped me. It involves using something you love, something that brings you joy, and pairing it with something you're less excited about doing. It sounds simple enough, but hopefully my explanation will give you the motivation to get started and make some of the progress that you really want.


About a few other things...


Do you struggle to create habits that stick? It's not your fault. The truth is simple: you've been trying to form habits using methods designed for perfect robots--not real women living real lives. It's time to change that. If I could help you gain confidence in creating habits AND guide you to uncover the ONE supportive habit to deeply care for yourself, could you commit 21 days to learning this method? The Sticky Habit Method is a 21-day course that revolutionizes the habit-formation process. It's real habits for real women.


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My NEW Habit Course
Foundational course, “Finding Me.”
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Songs Credit: Pleasant Pictures Music Club