Goal-Making for the Goal-Averse (+ Goal-Lovers, too!) || with Lara Casey Isaacson
Jan 08, 2019

If you're telling yourself that it's already the second week in January and it's too late for you to get serious about goal-making, you're wrong.
And if you're already feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or even under-challenged as one who strives to love goal-making, you're just doing it wrong.
That's forceful to say--sure--but this interview with Lara Casey Isaacson is sure to help empower you to make goals that ACTUALLY work, and with progress--not perfection--in mind.
Lara herself says that she is not naturally a "Goal Person." But, how she grew to successfully implement goal-making as an integral part to who she is, and then create a whole company devoted to helping others do the same was like this: LITTLE BY LITTLE.
Listen in to hear how this happened for Lara and what you can do to become a "Goal Person," too.
You can listen the interview below, or on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Googleplay, or search for “About Progress” wherever you get your podcasts. If you like the show please share it, subscribe, and leave a review!!
Show Notes
Lara's website, Instagram, Facebook, and personal Instagram
FREE Printables, including this month's Progress Plan
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Songs Credit: "Drive," "Flower Garden," "Changes," "Back In School" and “Warm Lights” by Nicolai Heidlas