Foodie Friday
Jan 09, 2016
I think this will be my first official "series!" Friday is my favorite day of the week, might as well make it about FOOD too.
Today, I'll share what I've made (or purchased) lately that has been amazingly good. Fair warning, most items will have chocolate in them.
First up, Dark Chocolate Granola Bites. My friend, Janssen from Everyday Reading, got me hooked on my favorite food blog, Mel's Kitchen Cafe. Any time I'm having people over, have an craving of something I want to make and need a good recipe, or just need to drool over delicious food, I head over to her blog. If you haven't yet, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and check her out.
These granola bites come from her. This recipe is low on refined sugars--just honey and some melted dark chocolate chips--with lots of chocolate and lots of crunch. I keep them in the freezer and gnaw on them when I'm trying to have have a treat that isn't 1,000 calories. I made some on Wednesday night (probably my fifth time)and seriously lost track of how many I ate yesterday. Oops! Here's the link to the recipe. (This is her photo, by the way. Because mine looked like deer poop.)
Next comes from my friend Courtney, from Cake by Courtney. This is another girl who knows her stuff! Having tried these cakes by the creator herself, I can tell you that I've never had a better cake, and I mean EVER. For my sister's birthday over Thanksgiving break, I made her the Peanut Butter Chocolate S'mores cake. It's one of the best things I've had in a looooong time. It was so good, that my family devoured it before I could take a picture (hence, stealing a photo from the real blog). Yes, it's a lot of effort and dirty dishes, but I've been looking for an excuse to make it again as soon as possible (but I might give in and try this one out instead). I've also been looking for an excuse to move next-door to Courtney.
Finally, let's add a little balance to the equation, shall we? This comes from another friend, Lacie, who brought me a tone of these after I had my last baby. I don't know whether to love her or hate her for it. Suja! It's an organic cold-pressed juice of various assortments. Basically, it's like drinking a sweet salad. Appealing, eh? I actually LOVE them. I have a bottle in my fridge 'round the clock and take little swigs from them throughout the day whenever I'm feeling low on energy and would rather eat chocolate. I seriously feel like they are nature's energy drink, and they are incredible refreshing. Fair warning, they are $4 a piece out in CA, so they might become an expensive habit. I went through a month or two without buying them and trying less expensive brands instead, but then I saw $8 jugs of them at Costco. Sold! One of these big babies lasts me about one and a half to two weeks. Try it out!
What foods are you liking lately?