Countdown to 30
Jan 04, 2016
Hi there! I have thought about, talked about (sorry, husband!), planned for, and almost created a blog like this for nearly 6 years. I am turning 30 in six months and am in hot pursuit of crossing off items from my "30 Before 30" bucket list. One of them is "Create a Blog." So, here we go!
What has held me back for so long? I can narrow it down to one word: FEAR. I have a lot to say and some of it includes tough stuff, things that people don't readily know about me, including family members. (Eek!) I've been afraid of what people will say about me, afraid of being talked about and made fun of behind my back. I've been afraid of none of it even mattering, which is almost worse than being made fun of. I've been afraid of exposing my kids and family. I've been afraid of being a failure.
I'm finally at the point of my life that I'm so tired of letting fear win. You'll soon see how fear has either held me back or pushed me over the cliff throughout my life. (Sound familiar? I'm pretty sure that's most of us.) It's time to give fear the boot! As a "recovering perfectionist," I've let the pendulum swing a little too far over into apathy. Yes, it's good that I'm not being crazy type-A with everything I do; but I'm craving a push, I'm longing to make a little more of my life and the gifts I have been given. I'm trying to find the middle ground now, where progress for the sake of progress is not only enough, it's everything!
I hope this blog is not only a chronicle of my own journey in the pursuit of healthy progress; I hope it inspires others to do the same.
And because a blog post might as well not exist without a photo, here you go, me and my crazy clan: