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Camille Andros: Starting Small, Achieving Big

Jul 16, 2017


"The preparation will meet your opportunity, and that is when you can have success.  So, you need to work really hard and be ready for when you get that chance, because you never know when it’s going to come."

Camille Andros is a woman of many interests including science, writing, and children (she has 6 of her own).  For years, she found herself focusing on one thing and then the other, all of which she loved and found fulfilling.  But eventually, she found herself combining her passions into writing children's literature.  She wants children to believe that they are smart and they can love science too, and her stories inspire just that and then some!

Camille talks about her path towards getting published, how she believes in "a time and a season," the great importance for everyone to have hobbies and dreams, and the remarkable path her life has taken, one small step at a time!  Oh, and you'll love Camille's view of how rejection can be a good sign that you're on the right path and how she has learned that slowing down actually helps her work.

You can listen to this podcast episode below, or on iTunesSoundcloudStitcherPocketcastsGoogleplay, or search for "About Progress" wherever you get your podcasts.  If you like the show, please subscribe!!

Show Notes:
Camille's website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and BOOK!
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Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" by Nicolai Heidlas