Amber Brueseke || Pushing for Growth (Biceps After Babies)
Feb 08, 2017
Amber Brueseke's arms speak for themselves, but just a quick glance of her Instagram page--Biceps After Babies--will tell you that this woman knows what she's talking about.
Amber is all about goals and helping others achieve theirs. But that doesn't mean that she shies away from failure. In fact, Amber recognizes failure as essential to really learning what life has to offer.
Listen in to hear how Amber got into fitness and what inspired her fitness account, what she hopes people gain from following her, her views on goal-making, how she can be passionate without being obsessive, and what big lessons she gleaned after a near-drowning of one of her children.
You can listen to this podcast episode below, on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Pocketcasts, Googleplay, or search for "About Progress" on your favorite podcast app. If you like the show, please subscribe!!
Show Notes:
Amber's Instagram
Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife's interview and COURSES
Monica's Instagram, Facebook, and Contact page
More on "Do Something" here and here (includes a short podcast episode that explains the series)
More episodes from the podcast
Song Credit: "Sweet Promise" by Nicolai Heidlas